Source Themes

Competitive markets and capital investment: Evidence from US power plants

I study how competition affects investment in power plants.

Designing Difference in Difference Studies With Staggered Treatment Adoption: Key Concepts and Practical Guidelines

We review the recent advances in the difference-in-difference literature and offer practical advice for applied researchers.

Residential Solar's Effect on Energy Insecurity among Low-to-Moderate Income Households

We show that rooftop solar can reduce energy insecurity among low-to-moderate income households, using a unique matched survey research design.

Calculating the realized investment returns of U.S. electric utilities

I document a downward trend in utilities’ realized return on investment over the last two decades, from a high of 12.6% in 2002 to 6.1% in 2020, on average. The decline is driven by a stagnation in revenue coupled with a nearly two-fold increase in investment.

Energy Policy Reversal during the Trump Administration

We study actions the Trump Administration took to reverse existing environmental policy.