Residential Solar's Effect on Energy Insecurity among Low-to-Moderate Income Households


Each year, millions of Americans experience energy insecurity, or the inability to afford enough energy to meet their basic needs. This study evaluates whether residential rooftop solar can serve as a preventative solution to energy insecurity among low-to-moderate income households. Using a national, matched sample of solar and non-solar households, based on detailed and address-specific data, we find that solar leads to large, robust, and salient reductions in five indicators of energy insecurity. Moreover, the benefits of solar “spill over” to improve a household’s ability to pay other energy bills. The results suggest that rooftop solar may be an effective tool for policymakers who seek to reduce energy insecurity.

Madeline Yozwiak
Madeline Yozwiak
PhD Student in Public Affairs

Doctoral student at Indiana University. I research environmental economics, with a focus on electricity markets and clean energy.
